MLB Lockout 2021: It’s a Monopsony
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

MLB Lockout 2021: It’s a Monopsony

When the league locked out the players on December 2nd, 2021, they yet again showed they had the power and they wanted to wield it. Under the National Labor Relations Act, the league (employer) has to bargain in “good faith with employees' union representative.” It does not seem the MLB is bargaining in good faith and could be in violated of the NLRA. Section 8(a)(5) of the Act makes it an unfair labor practice for an employer "to refuse to bargain collectively with the representatives of its employees.”

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Day 5 & 6 of the MLB Lockout 2021
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

Day 5 & 6 of the MLB Lockout 2021

Despite the gains the MLB Players had made through unionization, there were still inequities to resolve. In 1972, baseball player Curt Flood unsuccessfully challenged the reserve clause, which bound players to the same team for life or until the club released them, in court going all the way to The United States Supreme Court. Even though he did not receive the verdict he wanted, it brought the issue to the main stage.

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