3 Quick Tips to Work from Home more Effectively
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

3 Quick Tips to Work from Home more Effectively

It is more vital than ever now to learn how to work from home because it is a valuable skillset for your professional arsenal. According to an MIT survey of 25,000 American workers in early April of 2020 found that, “34% of those who’d been employed four weeks earlier said they’re currently working from home. Combined with the roughly 15% who said they’d been working from home pre-COVID-19, that means nearly half the U.S. workforce might now be remote workers. And that’s also true, the researchers say, for workers 55 and older.”

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How to Fix the Top 3 Pain Points in Sports Front Offices
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

How to Fix the Top 3 Pain Points in Sports Front Offices

I have worked in front offices and had numerous colleagues, friends, and acquaintances who have worked the highest leagues including NBA, WNBA, MLS, NFL, NHL, and more. However, I have seen a patterns in the pain points at each of these levels. There are similarities in problems professional and semi-professional teams and leagues deal with on a daily basis.

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