3 Books Sports Professionals Must Read

Being an impactful, game changer in the sports industry takes an iron will and a desire to go against the grain when necessary. Some of the most impactful names in the industry knew what it took to go against conventional wisdom and chart their own courses.

Names like Bill Walsh, Serena Williams, Joe Foster, Billie Jean King, Nadia Comaneci, and Megan Rapinoe are synonymous with breaking boundaries and innovating under pressure. I have been an avid reader for a long time and have found books on sports and leadership to be impactful along with books on innovation in sport. The below list lays out three books that give a glimpse into the world of sports and business from new and unique perspectives.

1. The Score Takes Care of Itself by Bill Walsh. If you are unfamiliar with Bill Walsh then you should get familiar with his work quickly. He is the THE NAME in building a winning philosophy. His book discusses his philosophy on leadership and he points out that small things matter immensely when it comes to culture and expectations. The greatest talent in the world will rot away if the small things start to go by the wayside. Fundamentals and attention to detail are key and Bill Walsh laid out his philosophy on leadership in great detail in this book.

He took the San Francisco 49ers from the worst team in the NFLin 1979 to a Super Bowl winning team in 1981, 1985, & 1989.

“Running a football franchise is not unlike running any other business: You start with a structural format and basic philosophy and then find the people who can implement it.”

- Bill Walsh

2. Shoemaker by Joe Foster. Ever wanted to understand the rise of a sports apparel brand from small-family owned business to global giant? This book, told by the grandson of the original founder of Reebok who brought the brand to global dominance, gives you an inside glimpse of growing a business and scaling it. There are personal stories, struggles, triumphs, and family drama wrapped up in this book.

It tells the story of Rebook and how it went from a small, local name in England to globally dominant force over the course of three generations. Mr. Foster is a phenomenal storyteller and gives you the raw stories of what it took for him to transform his family’s small operation into a recognized name in the sports apparel industry. The story shows you that despite your best efforts, sometimes failure is necessary in order to regroup and grow.

3. Learned Optimism by Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph. D. While this book doesn’t usually make the list for must-read sports books, it is imperative for anyone in the industry looking to gain an edge. If you are in the sales department, front office, an athlete, or coach then this book will change your career trajectory overnight.

Dr. Seligman discusses how pessimism and optimism play a huge roll in success or failure in life. He relates this to the world of sport and has done decades of research on the positive effects certain explanatory styles and ways of thinking can have on actual winning percentages. Optimistic explanatory styles can actually help to ward off certain diseases and increase performance as well.

These books will give you a masterclass on leadership, building a global brand, and the power of optimism. The strategies I offer through my strategic sports business consulting implement a wide variety of skills I have learned and honed throughout my career.

For more information on the strategies I can offer to you or your business, schedule a consult with me. I have trainings and assessments that can help you or your business become more productive, efficient, and effective at what you do, contact me today.


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