3 Tips for Networking More Effectively

We have always been told networking is important in life, because it is "all about who you know." This phrase always made me roll my eyes in annoyance. What about the skills I worked so hard to hone, does that not count for anything? It only counts if you can get in the door and networking can open that door. I was honestly never good at networking in either college or law school, because it was uncomfortable and usually just plain awkward. Having to chatter along with people about topics I was uninterested about along with having to stroke the egos of others in hopes they would actually see my talent. However, with my background in acting and modeling I was able to put on a pretty good face that hid my trepidation.

I decided to share what I learned about networking and more specifically, networking virtually. It is more than just a transaction where you expect the other side to give you something. The concept is more about relationship building than transactions.

Here are 3 Tips for Networking More Effectively:

  1. Treat it like a job interview - research the person and industry so you can speak knowledgeably and confidently. Every time you have a networking function be sure to come to it prepared. Whether that means you are setting up a quick phone call with someone to learn about their role or you are attending a virtual conference. The more prepared you are the better you will come across at these events.

    There are quite a few ways to speed up your networking and that includes sites like LinkedIn and LunchClub. I discuss these in depth and explain how to use them effectively in my book on Networking.

  2. Stay in contact with your connections, regularly contact them just to catch up. The big secret to effectively networking is being a good human being. In order to build and maintain professional and personal relationships, you have to stay in touch. Letting people know you are thinking about them goes a long way. Sending articles, job postings, and news pieces your connection will find interesting is a great way to provide value to your network. Did you come across a funny TikTok video or insightful article your connection would love? Send it to them and ask how they have been.

  3. Keep your information up-to-date ALWAYS. Making sure that people know where to contact you and having your online presence and résumé up-to-date is vital to facilitate great networking. If your LinkedIn or contact info is out of date, then you might be missing out on a ton of opportunities.

The best time to network is before you need something from someone. Join organizations and industry groups now, because many of them are still doing their events virtually and it is a great way to be dropped directly into a group with people from your industry. It is much easier to network in groups where you have some background and insight. However, once you get comfortable networking you have more and more courage to join into conversations and groups that are slightly out of your comfort zone. And who knows, you might just find a whole other niche in which you want to ensconce yourself.

For more information, check out my book on Networking in the Virtual Age and take a listen to my podcast series on Networking which is Series 1! If you want to schedule a consult with me to go over Networking trainings and assessments I have for individuals and businesses, contact me today.


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