4 Tips for better public speaking
Public speaking is scary…at least that’s what you are told.
Whether you are a newbie or an old pro, there are always ways to improve your performance. I started speaking on stage and in front of cameras when I was about 7 years old. As time went on, I recognized there were some habits I formed that helped me shine when public speaking.
These days I do multiple speaking engagements a week and love the ability to speak to an audience. You can learn to love public speaking if you start implementing these tips.
Here are some tips to help you improve your public speaking skills:
1. Prep your presentation. This means creating an outline, list of questions, or content you want to discuss. There can never be too much prep imho.
2. Practice it ahead of time out loud. I sometimes practice my presentations out loud in the shower or while I’m driving. Practicing it out loud gives you confidence and the ability to change things up if they sound weird when spoken.
3. Make sure you prep right before the presentation. If you are doing it online then test your audio and video. Make sure your computer is charged. That will set your mind at ease.
4. Pause. When you are presenting it is common to get tripped up on your words, but when you utilize pauses instead of trying to talk through your misstep, it’s easier. Speaking more slowly and implementing pauses helps immensely with quelling anxiety.
I’ve even created a pre-game checklist and a set of affirmations that I read before each presentation or performance.
Do you have any pre-game or pre-performance habits?
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