4 Tips for better public speaking
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

4 Tips for better public speaking

Whether you are a newbie or an old pro, there are always ways to improve your performance. I started speaking on stage and in front of cameras when I was about 7 years old. As time went on, I recognized there were some habits I formed that helped me shine when public speaking.

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✨ 3 Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs ✨
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

✨ 3 Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs ✨

If you are an entrepreneur you understand how difficult it can be to manage your time, energy, and work load. When you are a solo entrepreneur, it can be even more overwhelming. But, don’t worry because I am here to give you 3 easy tips to help you!

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8 hours of sleep is a myth - sports edition
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

8 hours of sleep is a myth - sports edition

Once I recognized that I could sleep in phases, the game changed for me. Humans naturally have nap times built into our bodies. From 1-3pm and 5-7pm it is perfectly fine to take a 30-90 minute nap without disrupting our nighttime sleep. You don’t even have to actually fall asleep, but just be still and not disturbed so your body can relax.

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3 Tips for Growing your Business
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

3 Tips for Growing your Business

When growing your business, it is important to understand that it takes time and dedicated effort. You can’t always power through and expect results. That usually only results in burnout and overwhelm. You also have to be clear on your visions and purpose so that you can strategically plan your business growth. Don’t be haphazard when building and growing a business or you will be among the majority of businesses that fail.

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How to negotiate a rate card
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

How to negotiate a rate card

I recently had someone reach out to me to help them create and negotiate a rate card. One of my favorite things to do is help people recognize their value and clearly articulate that to others. A rate card is tricky business because you do not want to give up everything up front, but you do want to continue an amicable negotiation with people when they ask for your rates.

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How to Fix the Top 3 Pain Points in Sports Front Offices
Alex Sinatra Alex Sinatra

How to Fix the Top 3 Pain Points in Sports Front Offices

I have worked in front offices and had numerous colleagues, friends, and acquaintances who have worked the highest leagues including NBA, WNBA, MLS, NFL, NHL, and more. However, I have seen a patterns in the pain points at each of these levels. There are similarities in problems professional and semi-professional teams and leagues deal with on a daily basis.

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