✨ 3 Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs ✨

If you are an entrepreneur you understand how difficult it can be to manage your time, energy, and work load. When you are a solo entrepreneur, it can be even more overwhelming. But, don’t worry because I am here to give you 3 easy tips to help you!

1. Set out a schedule the night before and review it in the morning. This seems like a no brainer, but once you start doing it you become calmer and have more clarity. This is not just a to-do list, but is also a schedule for when you are getting it done. Time blocking or chunking your tasks helps you to get everything done on the list.

2. Figure out if you are an early bird or night owl and plan meetings and tasks around that. One amazing thing about running your own business is you can manage your own schedule. that being said, sometimes we feel like we have to be working at set times. This isn’t always the case and when we recognize we can be flexible and adaptable based on our energy, that changes the game. Maybe you are an early riser so you do certain tasks in the morning before anyone else wakes up. Or perhaps you are a night owl and wants to work through the night. Neither way is right or wrong, but figuring which one you are is half the battle.

3. Prioritize rest and recovery. No matter what industry you work in, whether you have a side hustle or a full-blown business, rest and recovery is non-negotiable. You must rest your mind and your body in order to perform at your best.

What would you add to the list? Leave your answers in the comments.

To find out more about building your own business, grab a copy of my Side Hustles and Entrepreneurship book!


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