How to negotiate a rate card

I recently had someone reach out to me to help them create and negotiate a rate card. One of my favorite things to do is help people recognize their value and clearly articulate that to others. A rate card is tricky business because you do not want to give up everything up front, but you do want to continue an amicable negotiation with people when they ask for your rates.

  • What is a rate card and why should you have one?

If you are a freelancer, blogger, host, eCaster, on-camera personality, podcaster, speaker, or creative, then a rate card is something you should have. It lays out the value you provide, what you are able to do, and clients you’ve worked with previously including past experience. It might also be called something other than a rate card depending on the industry.

  • What should you include in your rate card?

This varies from industry to industry, but a rate card should generally include the following:

  1. Contact information: List your name and a way for brands to contact you.

  2. A short bio: Add an engaging ABOUT you section that is short and sweet.

  3. Your rates: Consider bundling options together.

  4. Media: Have you received positive media mentions? If yes, list those on your rate card.

  5. Social media handles: Provide the usernames of your strongest social media accounts, if applicable.

  6. Clients: If you’ve worked with other brands, be sure to highlight those on your rate card if you are able to disclose them. It’s even better if the brands are large and well-known.

  7. Vision & Ethos: If you have a clear vision and ethos for your brand, include that if necessary.

  • When do you reveal your rates?

    Negotiation strategy 101 is all about seeing what the other party has in mind and listening to them. It is important to understand your worth and value too. If brands are reaching out to you then they should be providing you with their budget and scope. If you can help it, don’t be the one to throw out a number first.

If you want to work on your rate card or get clear on how to negotiate more fiercely and with confidence, then book a 45-minute consultation with me for $165 USD. For more content like this, signup for my newsletter!


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