3 tips to avoid burnout

Barely sleeping. Eating whatever you can stuff in your mouth on the run. No social life. Always running from place to place. Does this sound familiar?

In this day and age we have some amazing benefits from technology. However, with more technology, the more pressures we have to always be available and working or doing something.

This type of demand leaves people burning out even faster than ever before. Couple that with a pandemic and no work/life balance and things go insane. I’ve been there and suffered from burnout before and it isn’t pretty.

The lack of motivation and depression that sets in when you are suffering from burnout weigh heavy, especially on the hard workers and extremely ambitious among us. That’s why I wanted to share some tips that have helped me stop burnout before it takes control.

Here are 3 Tips to Avoid Burnout:

  1. Don’t compare your progress to others. Remember that comparison is the thief of joy. So comparing your journey to others is not only anxiety inducing, but also not constructive. Each journey is difference even within the same industry and profession. Most of the time there isn’t even a “correct” way to do many things, but sometimes there are easier ways to do things. Listen to the advice of others and then decide if it is advice you actually need to implement in your life

  2. Schedule breaks and time off. It is vitally important to allow yourself to take breaks throughout your day where you are off technology and not doing anything. Allowing yourself to get “bored” actually makes you more creative and accesses a different part of your brain. Take time to sit outside and not listen to music or be on your phone, JUST BE. Also remember to schedule real time off to go on vacations or staycations and disconnect from work. Too often in the United States at least, vacation time isn’t used and is in fact lost. Don’t be the person who thinks it is cool not to take time off. It is totally uncool to be a workaholic.

  3. Don’t overbook your days. It is so interesting that humans tend to overbook our days, but not dream big enough in our lives. We tend to not have lofty and audacious enough goals in the longterm, but have crazy ambitions from day-to-day. You need to find a balance between a realistic schedule and audacious goals.

Once you start to understand the signs and symptoms of overwhelm then you can make sure to change it up so you don’t experience burnout.

For a FREE copy of my time-blocking template to help you map our your breaks and vacations, signup for my newsletter!

For more information, check out my book on Goal Setting and Strategic Planning and take a listen to my podcast series on Goal Setting and Strategic Planning which is Series 6! Also join my Goal Setting self-paced course. If you want to schedule a consult with me to go over the Goal Setting & Strategic Planning trainings and assessments I have for individuals and businesses, contact me today.


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